Solutions for
Seizing opportunities and managing regulatory requirements driven by Sustainability is a major strategic and organizational challenge for businesses, regardless of their size.
ESGGIA collaborates with companies that want to actively manage this new reality, either by enhancing their business models, strategies and operations to differentiate and accelerate their profitable growth, or by adapting their organization and management processes.
ESG Management
How to manage the requirements, opportunities and risks derived from Sustainability?
Keys factors:
- Sustainability-driven efficiency and growth opportunities
- Current and expected regulatory requirements
- Integration of ESG factors into management processes
- Organizational framework to manage Sustainability
- Relationship with key Sustainability ecosystem stakeholders
- Internal and external communication
Possible formats:
Objectives and scope of the Sustainability function, evolution in the medium-term
Keys factors:
- Objectives and scope of the Office of Sustainability, evolution in the medium term
- Organizational framework and relationship model with internal and external agents
- Resource planning and budget
- Roles of the company and the advisor
- Internal and external communication
Possible formats:
How to ensure that my suppliers' practices are consistent with my ESG goals?
Keys factors:
- Company’s ESG practices and objectives related to its supply chain
- Suppliers’ evaluation in Sustainability terms
- Integration of sustainability criteria into procurement and management
- Strategic and operational collaboration framework with suppliers
Possible formats:
How to ensure that everyone keeps Sustainability in mind on a day-to-day basis?
Keys factors:
- Communication of the strategic role of Sustainability for the company
- Training in ESG terminology and levers
- Triple impact initiatives with stakeholder involvement
- Information to stakeholders about plans and progress
Possible formats:

Which new business opportunities does Sustainability open for my company?
Keys factors:
- Sectors and value chains under Sustainability-driven transformation
- Company’s capabilities and resources
- Strategic-financial assessment to identify and prioritize opportunities
- Implications in terms of innovation, capabilities and alliances
- Implementation Plan
Possible formats:
How can the Circular Economy accelerate the profitable growth of my company?
Keys factors:
- Degree of application of the circulars principles in the company
- Opportunities to embed the Circular Economy into strategy and operations
- Shared view on opportunities and approaches to carry them out
- Triple impact evaluation of the most attractive opportunities
- Implications in terms of innovation, capabilities and alliances
- Implementation Plan
Possible formats:
How to optimize the strategic and financial impact of my company's social investment?
Keys factors:
- Diagnostic of the company's social investment and its integration into strategy
- Opportunities for strategy enhancement through greater civil society involvement
- Strategic-collaborative relationship models with the social sector
- Alignment of social initiatives and partners with the company’s strategy and culture
- Investment, budget and strategic roadmap
Possible formats:
How to effectively communicate our sustainable essence?
Keys factors:
- Diagnostic of investors and portfolio companies in terms of Sustainability
- Attributes, visible and hidden, aligned with genuinely sustainable practices
- Shared view of the company’s sustainable essence
- Key messages and strategic and operational contents
- Internal and external communication initiatives