Value-enhancing sustainability: feasible and necessary

Profitable Sustainability: feasible and necessary. Sustainability with a capital letter will not progress in the world without a deep and genuine involvement of companies, which will promote environmentally and socially transformative actions when they also benefit from profitable growth.

The challenge is therefore to implement business models that combine sustainability and financial value. The transition to net zero opens up great opportunities in this regard for visionary and committed companies. For example:

  1. Participate in new businesses and value chains derived from the growing economic value of waste.
  2. Design products and services focused on supporting the decarbonization of customers.
  3. Integrate into the business ecosystems that connect customers and social projects, benefitting all parties.

These new business models don't usually come from brilliant ideas. They are inspired by society from different perspectives: employees, customers, suppliers, partners... The key is to effectively channel all this collective intelligence. An exciting stage is opening for the innovation functions of companies, as long as they work collaboratively.

Citizen sentiment and regulatory development are tailwinds fostering a new business era. If we don't take advantage of this momentum, the gap between business and society will increase and Sustainability will join the list of abstract and undervalued concepts.