Business development and senior talent

Business development and senior talent pair very well. I see a growing number of job opportunities in business development positions, in many cases newly created. The Business Development function is a natural evolution of the strictly Commercial function and responds to the demand of clients and users for high-value solutions in which they want to be involved.

Therefore, a significant growth of the business of companies and startups requires, in addition to traditional commercial capabilities, additional ones such as strategic planning, organizational vision and collaborative innovation.

The quality of these new ingredients is closely linked to the learning derived from experience. The greater the number, intensity and diversity of experiences considered in decision-making, the greater and earlier impact on the business. This makes Business Development a natural management space for senior talent.

It is a matter of time before the requirements to access job opportunities are based on the ability to creatively contribute and combine ingredients and not on replicating the same recipe. This mindset change will open many professional doors for seniors and will enhance the "S" of companies' ESG practices.