Imagen Medioambiental 1

Decarbonization: catalyst of disruptive strategies

Strategy with a capital letter, when being right or wrong has to do not only with results but also with survival, is coming back with decarbonization. The energy transition and the circular economy are fostering disruptive strategies and redefining sectors.

A good example of this is the production of fuels and renewable energy from biowaste. The diversity of profiles and dynamics of the stakeholders involved leads to predict that many value chains may be very different in the near future:

  • Energy companies are putting emissions reduction at the core of their strategy.
  • Cities and food-related activities are the main sources of biowaste, which is managed by environmental services companies.
  • Other products, like bioplastics, also use biowaste as raw material.
  • Technologies are identified, the challenge is to achieve a quantum leap in scale. Financial investors are very active in this field.

The question for these stakeholders is: How can I take advantage of this disruption to enhance my position? Or, at least: What should I do to not lose it?

An exciting period begins, with transformative and unexpected corporate moves, with winners and losers.